Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Guilty, bro.

Hansberry v. Lee:
You best serve process before you deprive citizens of it, biotch: Pennoyer v. Neff.
Oh, and be damn sure you're not binding disparate parties or you'll be getting a nice fat remandare for Christmas, sucka. Sincerely, SCOTUS [old skool]

Nelson v. State
When your tires cease functioning because you've carved a few donuts and parked in your truck in your neighbor's front lawn, don't be a dingus by jacking some construction equipment and hoping that no one will notice when you quietly drive a backhoe past the neighborhood block party. The court will find you guilty of being retarded and will sentence you to a lifetime of embarrassment if you explain how it was a necessity or some half-assed emergency. Affirmed by the people of the world: you're barred from having children... regardless of whether you already have them.